Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Scott turns 24!

Scott turned 24 over conference weekend. I thought it would be fun to make pinatas. Scott is really into limes right now. We have lime air fresheners, limes in the fridge, he bought a lime colored shirt, lime chips, etc. It really is amazing how many lime things are actually available. So for his B-day we did all things lime. I made some yummy lime chicken tacos and Key Lime Pie- I got the recipe from here. So anyway this is us making lime shaped/colored pinatas. And us breaking and partaking of the lime pinatas! We had a great time at Scott's party. He is so sweet to put up with my birthday party games and things.
Conference was awesome, it was so nice to be able to spend some time with just my Scott. We learned some really great things, hopefully I can think back to them and be better. We have never spent so much time at home. Or so much time with our TV set to the BYU channel, we watched like every BYU program there is. Sometimes twice. We need to venture to that channel more often. We also did some serious cleaning and de-junking, which I love and I finally got out my Halloween stuff.
P.S. Remember this picture? Notice any strange/weird/hilarious similarities to the above picture?


Annalee Taylor said...

LOL. Scotty is so funny... the eyebrows made me laugh.

Rowbury Adventures said...

You 2 are So Cute! It was good seeing you at walmart the other day for like one minute ha I haven't seen you Forever! looks like you two are doing great!

amber said...

melinda you crack me up. :) what a great idea, making pinatas, ryan would love that. he always talks about how he made a pinata once. :) and, evertime i drive by your house i look at your halloween decor out on your door. and, i love your apron.

Josh + Kiri said...

PEEPER! Cute pics! You are just creative you know. Miss ya!

megan said...

Wow make your own pinatas? You are seriously talented! And I love your wreath! Where do you guys live now?

The Terry's said...

Ok why did I not know until now that you guys have a blog??? That is the question of the day! Lets be blog friends.

Suzy & Todd said...

I'm still bitter you got my hopes that you were coming. Any luck on finding a car? I love so much that in the picture of making the pinata you look like you are going to pounce on the table or something. Really, was that a natural standing position for you. Like ready for sprinting or something.

Team Allen said...

Melinda. I have to say I just saw the flowers you did for Kiri's wedding which were in actuality MY colors as well and I loved them. Can I redo mine so that you can do the flowers? THey were So cute. and your blog is cute..I'm very impressed with the header-if I only I could learn to do these things. I hope life is great for you two!

ailinh said...

Wow, you guys are really going all out with lime! Mmm, pass the lime-flavored foods this way!

Alisha said...

Haha you guys are so freakin adorable it's not even funny. Good thing you commented on my page because for some reason it didn't tell me you did a new post. Man I miss u two! (