Thursday, May 8, 2008

Get Ready!

So sometimes I think I can dance and even if I can't I'm just so happy "So you think you can dance" was created. It's just the greatest.  When I watch it I usually least twice... every episode.  After every episode I can't sit still, I have to get up and bust it out! The 4th season starts 2 weeks from today.  I can't wait to see what Mia Micheals comes up with. Aren't you pumped? 

To the right I added a video from last year. This is Lacey and Kameron and Mia choreography. Lacey's brother Benji was the winner of Season 2. Lacey did good she got to the bottom 4 last year. She is a latin ballroom dancer, but you would never know from this video, talk about letting loose! Check out her flying into him. Kameron was fun to watch too, I like watching masculine guy dancers and I think these two had a little crush, they were cute together.  Sorry you'll have to turn off my music.  Enjoy!


Annalee Taylor said...

I have never actually watched that show...only tidbits here and there that you have shown me...sad huh. I will this season...I am stoked. PS> Funny how your a ball-baby when it comes to dancing...weirdo!

Kristina said...

This is actually about a previous post of yours--we Netflixed "Dan in Real Life," and I was thinking of you since you liked it so much. Gotta tell you, we were ready to throw it out the window near the very end! But then it ended happily. And we really liked the extended family, they were so fun! Did you work at RF for Mothers' Day?

Kim & Jesse said...

Melinda! I too LOVE LOVE LOVE this show and have been counting down the days. Everytime the commercial comes on I rewind it like 3 times! Can't wait, and Mia Michaels....Well lets just say she is AMAZING, by far my fav and has the sweetest dances. Speaking of dancing... I went to Wendy's recital on Saturday and thought of our class and I missed it, and when I went to the SOS concert 2 weeks ago dance depots jubilee performed and that made me quite sad too :(