Monday, February 27, 2012

Weekend in the Burg

We had a weekend in Rexburg a week ago. We went home to go to my sweet Aunt Karleen's funeral. It was an awesome service and I learned a lot. She was a pretty awesome lady and it was so neat to hear all the sweet things her kids and family had to say about her.
This little one hardly made a peep. She is so sweet and I am praying my next one (not an announcement I promise!) is just like her.
The day after the funeral the kids had some fun outside. They sledded and built an upside-down snowman. Scott did most of the work and he had so much fun. He just got put in the primary and he said when he told the kids about his upside-down snowman they thought that was awesome.
The picture below was pretty much a 'fail' but I wanted to post it anyway because it shows the infamous snowman.

 The little ones got cold after about an hour (I can't believe they lasted that long) but the big kids (including Scott) stayed outside for a long time. Scott ran up and down that hill about a million times. He was pretty sore the next day.

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