Friday, December 2, 2011

Scenes from the week.

We've had a pretty low-key week, we have just been getting back into the swing of things after a fantastic thanksgiving week in Idaho. Emlin and I were there two weeks. I went down a week early with Em to help with the flea market and Scott joined us before thanksgiving.
Emlin and I enjoyed a nice fall day, this was just in time because the day after this was the windiest day on the planet. Emlin's hands were ice cold and she refused to come inside. She loved crunching leaves and eating leaves and saying, "Wow" over and over again. When I finally got her inside she was pretty upset but when we called dad she calmed right down. She taps his face on the screen and says, "Hi!"over and over.
And on the windiest day on the planet, Scott had to have a root canal. Luckily he wasn't in too much pain and the chicken noodle soup I made seemed to make him pretty happy. He was even happy enough to make my favorite treat - no bakes. We also decorated for Christmas, I will get those photos posted later.
Merry Christmas.


Jace and Nichole said...

Oh how i love you guys. Let's skype... tomorrow or Sunday?

Annalee Taylor said...

new camera?! Your pics look awesome!