Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter and What Not

Because I forgot that I had a blog, here is a recap for my own records of what we have been up to these past couple months.
Easter 2011

Nothing too exciting has been happening around our house.

Emlin is getting huge, she will be 9 months old in 2 days. She has two bottom teeth and is currently in the process of getting more on top. She has been pretty miserable with fevers and throwing up. I am hoping that a miracle happens and they all come through at once.  She loves bath time. She splashes and screams the whole time.

Scott has been working his life away, he loves his job and the people he works with, so that makes life good.

We had a fun easter, with 3 easter egg hunts, too much candy, kite flying and topped it off Monday with a yummy grilled pizza.

We are so looking forward to summer. We have no plans as of now for any summer adventures but I'm thinking  the park every day sounds great.

Remember that hat I made that I thought would never actually fit a human head - well turns out it does. Yay Emlin for having a big head.

 Whitney Ricks took some fun pictures of Em. I think she was slightly mesmerized by her camera, or possibly because we never really leave the house so when she sees other people this is her general expression. So cute.

These last pictures might be slightly inappropriate but I thought they were so funny. They are in order of what happened. Elliot was being so sweet and quietly playing with his bath toys. Emlin was happily screaming and splashing, just being her normal loud self, then she notices Elliot has a toy and without hesitation reaches over and takes it. Poor guy, he didn't even see her coming. I love how she is looking at him like, "What's your problem?" He is such a good sport, I always feel so bad when Emlin is screamin his ear off.

She is such a fun little baby, full of spunk and personality. I'm not sure what we would do without her.


The Gray Family said...

She is such a doll. Did you make that headband? I have been trying to figure out how to make one. Being a mommy is the best!

Brady & Kelsey said...

A POST?!?! WHAT?! lol I've been waiting to see more pics of Emlin. She is so beautiful! I'm glad to see that you're still alive and enjoying your life as a mommy :)

Jace and Nichole said...

I need those pictures!!! My dang camera is always dying at important moments. It's good that he is learning early, to give her what she wants. It will come in real handy! Haha. Also, I just want to kiss her face all day.

JeNnA said...

My goodness she is adorable! I love all her cute little outfits and headbands!