Thursday, April 10, 2008

Bring On the Summer Sun


Here's some tulips I submerged for a project. I wish I had something exciting to write about...except for the fact that I am done with school, or at least until September. It's great to have a summer break, my brain was starting to swell from taking finals, don't worry I've already flushed out everything I had studied, so my head is back to its normal size. 

This summer I'm going to plant lots of stuff, I have already started some seeds. I have planted spinach, cucumbers (they are the ones in the window picture) cosmos, daisies, zinnias, some cool vines (I don't know what they are called, I had to propagate them for a class but they are cute now, they have little blossoms) petunias, and sunflowers. I'm determined to have a flowerful summer. 

The last pictures are those sweet cupcakes from that cupcake place, I can't remember the name of it. No, we didn't buy them, but my mom did and she gave us the leftovers. As you can see by Scott's face they didn't last long at our apartment. Look at Scott's cute face, he loves that I make him take pictures all the time....sorta.


Annalee Taylor said...

Cool tulips! You didnt say anything about your know this is suppose to be a remember exciting events!

The Crebs Family said...

I just bought some seeds, but I am hopeless. All the plants I have in my house are of desert origin (so they don't die easily cause I suck at watering my plants :) I need some help, maybe this month our VT'ing lesson can be about "Blooming were you are planted" and we can plant things!
PS. The little secret numbers i have to type in to submit my comment are Cnebs and by last name is Crebs....weird! It's like you blog knows me!

McArthurs said...

Melinda I love you, you are hilarious. You are so cute and I love that you are planting all sorts of stuff. Me and you and ANnalee should go to lunch sometime. But for reals, cuz Annalee is the worst at you know answering her phone and calling :) ANy ways I want to hang out with you and Annalee cuz I have no life.

McArthurs said...

So Melinda that last comment was Keri. I am on my sister Cindy's thing.

Kris and Sarah said...

ha ha, Kooper loves you! Now everytime we go to the shop he wants to have a saw dust fight! :)