Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spring Update

 My photos are all out of order, but it is taking too much brain power for me to get them in order so this will have to do. My family came up so we could go to Hunger Games and they took me and Emlin to the aquarium. Scott had to work which is a shame because he would have loved the aquarium. When we first pulled up I was a little concerned, but it turned out to be pretty cool.
 Then the week after my sister, her family, and my parents were here, my brother and his family stopped on their way to California and we got to babysit Kellen. Emlin was happy to have a little buddy to play with. They played really well together. They are about the same height so they liked hugging and kissing. My mom stayed to help me that week and she pretty much did all the work, it was so nice having her here.
 By the end of the week my dad came back (he missed my mom too much, haha) and we went to walk around city creek and temple square. And we happened to stumble upon Mindy Gledhill and Stephanie Nielson. It was cool because last year for my birthday Scott took me to Mindy's concert so I was excited to see her again a year later. My mom bought me NieNie's book for my birthday and we got it signed and met her and chatted about Oprah, haha. I read her book in a day and it was excellent.

The day after my brother, his family, my mom and dad went home we got to see Scott's family for a minute before they headed home. It was like a family bomb went off and I didn't really get a chance to soak up all the visiting goodness. But it was so nice to have everyone around, I really love having visitors.

The week after that our neighbors hosted an easter egg hunt. They put so much work into it and even had the easter bunny there. Emlin was a little confused at first but after we showed her the candy inside the eggs she went nuts.
 In between all that I had a birthday and now I'm old. I cleaned out my closet and got rid of 4 garbage bags full of clothes (I was hanging on to some stuff from Jr. High, hello hoarding). We had New Beginnings. Had some great playdates. Made a wreath. Gave Emlin her first hair trim. And last night was our first family bike ride. Now I'm looking forward to going home at the beginning of May to see my little brother. He is coming home from is mission in just 13 days!


aly said...

You are so beautiful. That pic of Emlin and Kellen looks just like you and Kyle! How funny.
I miss you

aubrey and bobby said...

you guys are so ridiculously cute! love every single one of these pictures. we miss you guys!

Annalee Taylor said...

What. A post? I don't know what to do with myself. We are all looking at the pics, Carmen keeps saying, "Oh Emmy! She's so cute!" in a really high voice.
Love it.
You should do this more often? No?

amber said...

Emlin is so adorable. I love her little face. Miss you guys!